Tuesday, June 08, 2004

Diversity - what are the limits

It is becoming increasingly clear to me that diversity is key. We have to be able to offer a range of 'ways in' to church. I hesitated as I wrote that last word - church?; Jesus?; God? But if we accept Pete Ward's definition of church - those who are 'in Christ' then it is actually offering ways to Jesus.

But are there limits? Does anything go because it might just be the way to Jesus for some individual? I guess it seems as if we ought to be able to say that no impure road would lead anyone there so that there must be limits. But all roads are impure - without the guidance of the Spirit no-one would get to Jesus. We are commanded to 'judge not'; we are told that 'by their fruits you shall know them'. Between the creative interplay of these two principles we may be able to discern what is OK - good enough - in what we offer.


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